
Splattered Entrails - Carnivorous Parasitic Infection (2006)

Brutal Death/Goregrind

1. Introilism
2. Feeding Off the Growth
3. Stub Grinder
4. Anal Dissection
5. Disembowling the Minotaur
6. Penetration
7. Injected With Strycnine
8. SCID (Expulsive Incision cover)
9. Stromata
10. Syphilitic Discharge
11. The Cure for Premenstrual Syndrome = Fellation
12. Decommission of a Carcass
13. Thus Night the Mooncat Stalketh by Darkness With the Moonbay of the 29ers Brought Down 3 Years Ago If Not Cat... The... Ready!


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